Picture of Multiplication and Division - Level 3

Multiplication and Division - Level 3

Publisher: Learning Wrap-Ups
LP-M313 $9.99
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This set includes 144 challenges (12 cards with 12 challenges per card) and deals with MULTIPLICATION and DIVISION beginning with illustrations to explain MULTIPLYING and DIVIDING by 2, 3, 4, & 5, then using the concept of COMMUTATIVE PROPERTIES and INVERSE OPERATIONS to teach MULTIPLICATION and DIVISION FACTS for 6, 7, 8, & 9, along with FACT FAMILIES, REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS and MULTIPLYING 2-DIGIT numbers by 1-DIGIT numbers.

This product meets the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM) standards. Each card is SELF-CORRECTING.

These cards develop Numeration skills.

Card 1 -- Multiplication by 2, 3, 4, and 5 using arrays.
Card 2 -- Division by 2, 3, 4, and 5 using illustrations.
Card 3 -- Multiplication by 6 and 7.
Card 4 -- Division by 6 and 7.
Card 5 -- Multiplication by 8 and 9.
Card 6 -- Division by 8 and 9.
Card 7 -- Fact Families.
Card 8 -- Reviewing Multiplication Facts.
Card 9 -- Multiplication and Division Stories.
Card 10 -- Multiplying by multiples of 10.
Card 11 -- Multiplying 2-digits by 1-digit.
Card 12 -- Dividing 2-digits by 1-digit.

To be used in conjunction with the "Learning Palette Base", part number LP-B100. This card set does not include the Base.
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