Picture of 10 Days to Multiplication Mastery & Wrap-Up Combo

10 Days to Multiplication Mastery & Wrap-Up Combo

Publisher: Learning Wrap-Ups
LWU-K753C $14.99
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These packaged sets from Learning Wrap-Ups include a set of Wrap-Ups and a 64-page workbook which details the commutative properties of Addition and Multiplication and the distributive properties of Subtraction. Each boxed set will help your child understand that because of these commutative and distributive properties, they can learn these important math skills much faster than they thought possible. Children will love the fun and colorful activities found in each work book and the competitive and self-correcting features provided by the Learning Wrap-Ups.
Learning Wrap-Ups
Learning Wrap-Ups
Learning Wrap-Ups
Learning Wrap-Ups
Learning Wrap-Ups
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